Why Does Your Garden Need Humic Acids
Humic acids are derived from humus, which is defined as "decomposed plant materials that have been transformed by the action of microorganisms into dark humic substances". They are generally found in soil or peat moss at concentrations between 1% and 3.5%. Since humus takes decades to form naturally, humic acids are collected from humate ore- which is basically humus in concentrated, dried form.
If you see humic acid products for sale at your local garden center, chances are that humate ore has been mined to produce it.
The benefits of humic acids for plants
The humic acid supplements will improve the soil, prevent diseases and increase fertility. This means that it can be used to grow vegetables for consumption or flowers.
One of the many ways in which humic acid supplement has been shown to improve plant health and yield is with improving soil fertility. By providing a nutrient rich environment for plants, humic acid supplements can help ensure growth and development.
Another way in which humic acid supplements have been shown to improve plant health and yield is by providing disease prevention. As most gardeners know, gardening involves a great deal of labor, time, and money to ensure that their plants are healthy. By using humic acid supplements, the risk of plant diseases can be reduced.
One more way in which humic acid supplements have been shown to improve plant health and yield is by improving water quality. Having humus rich soil can prevent large amounts of runoff from entering waterways.
How humic acids fertilizers are produced nowadays
Since humic fertilizer is derived from humus, the production process is really quite simple. Humus, or humic materials can be found all over the world and in certain parts of the world, it is considered a valuable commodity because of its humic acid content.
There are two ways in which humic acid can be extracted from humus: by roasting and by steaming. Roasting humus at high temperatures can produce different fatty acids that may then be used for other purposes such as cosmetics. Fermentation and biochemical conversion methods may then yield humic acid compounds called humins.
Pressing and vaporizing other types of humic materials may also yield humic acids which are then purified.
Many different types of humic acid can be found in the humus, including anthraquinone, alkylresorcinol, pyrogallol, and fulvic acid. These humic fertilizers can be used to prevent nutrient leaching, improve soil quality and productivity.
The humin fraction of humic acid may be most beneficial for plant growth in soils that are deficient in potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. This humic fertilizer can also increase beneficial microbial activity in the soil which will help fertilize both above and below ground plants' roots.
Important things to consider
One important thing to consider when buying humic acid supplements is the source of humus used for production. It should be understood that when fertilizer manufacturers talk about humic acids, they really mean humic substances. Humic acids are very complex organic compounds that do not dissolve in water. At the moment, the only way to extract them from natural raw materials such as leonardite or peat is by leaching..
The humic acid should be extracted in a way that does not compromise its humic acid content. Extracted humic acids should also be filtered and purified to produce a high-quality end product. Humic acids compounds called humins are unstable and will break down quickly when not processed with right technology and may not yield the benefits shown in studies.
We, at Ligno OU are using a patented method of the accelerated humification of the modified lignin. This gives us the control on the each step of the production and brings the highest available concentration of active humic substance in the output with no insoluble or abrasive particles. You don't have to filter it before use.
Does your garden need humic acids? Definitely!
Humic acids are a key nutrient that can help your garden thrive. These humus-based fertilizers have been shown to improve fertility, prevent diseases and increase growth rates in plants. There is even evidence that humates will help reduce runoff into waterways by providing more fertile soil for healthy plant roots to grow in. If you want the best quality humic acid supplement at an affordable price, it’s important to ensure they were extracted from pure plant based raw material with no other types of unwanted substance present.